Steps (--steps)

The number of steps you specify with the --steps parameter determines how much time the AI will spend on generating the image, which can enhance the image quality. A higher number of steps gives the AI more time to refine the image, potentially leading to higher-quality results.

Here's how to use the --steps parameter:

  • Minimum Value: 20

  • Maximum Value: 100

  • Default Value: 35

To use the --steps parameter, include it in your command followed by the desired number of steps:

--steps 50

For example, if you're aiming for an image with a high level of detail, you might set a higher number of steps:

--steps 70

The AI will take a longer time to generate this image, but the additional processing steps can lead to an image with more intricate details.

Remember, increasing the --steps value will consume more GPU minutes per job. It's essential to balance the desired image quality with the time and resources available. The --steps parameter only affects the initial image generation phase.

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